As a faculty member you have a faculty profile that is showcased Your profile can contain information about you, your research and your academic achievements. 

We are in the process of migrating SelectedWorks profiles to PURE. This page will be updated with new instructions. If you have any questions or need to make changes to you profile please contact the


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The change to SelectedWorks is intended to reduce the amount of profile maintenance for faculty. Until now, faculty members have had two distinct faculty profiles offering largely the same input fields. Since not all faculty members updated both, S&T had multiple listings of faculty information with different data in each.

Since many faculty members also maintain profiles on their departments' websites, the level of profile maintenance being asked of faculty was deemed excessive.

By consolidating profiles to SelectedWorks, faculty now have only one main profile to update, and all profiles are searchable in one listing.

SelectedWorks is a product by Elsevier's bepress/Digital Commons® division. It allows faculty to have portable profiles that they own and can keep throughout their careers. A SelectedWorks profile can be moved to any institution.

Profiles can now be seamlessly linked back and forth with research labs, new publications can be automatically populated as they're catalogued by the library, and new features are available such as specifying media contacts and masking contact information by default to deter contact harvesting and spamming.

SelectedWorks is also easier to edit and updates information immediately instead of requiring several hours or days to change profile information.

Yes. All data was exported from the Faculty Profile Editor and merged into the appropriate SelectedWorks profiles.

If there was no data in your SelectedWorks profile, then your Faculty Profile Editor data should now be present in your SelectedWorks profile.

If there was already data in your SelectedWorks profile, this took priority over the data from the Faculty Profile Editor, as in most cases the SelectedWorks profiles contained more content and were more up-to-date. If there was a part of your Faculty Profile Editor profile that you liked better than what you have in SelectedWorks (e.g. a more recent bio, or a more thorough education history), please contact Staff will manually compare archived data from your old profile to your new SelectedWorks profile and merge them in any way you specify.

Self-serve access to the old Faculty Profile Editor tool has been closed as of February 2023.

Since SelectedWorks is a separate service maintained by BePress for many institutions, it does not take your university Single Sign-On credentials. Instead, a new account with a random password was created under your email address when your profile was created. To access your profile for the first time, you'll need to reset your password.

Please do not use the same password you use for university SSO. Passwords should be unique per service. Please see IT's Safe Computing article on password security for more info.

Yes, to a point. The works displayed on your faculty profile are drawn from our institutional repository. Your works will automatically appear on your profile if Curtis Laws Wilson Library is aware of them.

Yes! If your department has someone assigned to updating profiles, they can update your SelectedWorks profile for you.

They will first need to create a new SelectedWorks account for themselves at using their email. They should set "Missouri University of Science and Technology" as their institution.

Once they have an account, you can grant them permission to edit your profile for you. Log into SelectedWorks and click "Access Management" under the drop-down menu next to your name in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Fill in their first name, last name, and email and click "Add," and you will see them added to your delegates.

If you have any questions or require assistance with this process, please contact